Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I remember buying rolls and rolls of film. I couldn't wait to see how they turned out. My Cannon 35mm camera was the first real camera I owned. It was a gift from my wife. I took that thing everywhere. It lasted about ten years until it broke. Todays digital cameras are incredible, however, i will always miss the film look. I recently have been scanning old prints just in case if something happens to them. These are some old pictures of my daughters when they were little. All of them taken with my 35mm. Time really does fly by. Capture every moment that you can.  

She was smiling in her sleep. By the time i grabbed the camera she stopped. I waited and waited... until i got this shot. This was taken with a roll of black and white film. I added color to the care bear nose with a special pen. I had pink, yellow, brown and green. Not much to choose from, but it added a nice touch. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Give me a confident look. Not too much to look cocky, but just enough to inspire and intrigue." These are the words I gave this 
local rapper. I defiantly couldn't have taken that advice and put it into a facial expression,but he did it perfectly. This was one of my favorite studio sessions. We worked very well together. CEO of Red Eye Flight Music, Kenny G. Marshall, aced this photo shoot with flying colors.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A great wedding, beautiful location and an awesome reception!
Here's a few of my favorite shots.

Looks can be deceiving. You might think this was taken in the country away from civilization. Nope. I was driving home and saw
a huge grass hill behind a food store right in the middle of suburbia.The different colors and textures of the grass against the cloudy sky inspired me.With a ginormous umbrella and my kids in the backseat, this scene popped in my head. After all the editing was done,it looked like an adventure inside a child's mind out of the world of make believe. Treasures can be found in the most unexpected places.  

"Don't kick the camera!"  I said in a silly voice. Snap. 
Priceless facial expression. Shots like these don't happen
very often. I probably took a few hundred pictures that day 
and only had a few great ones. That's one of the many cool 
things about photography; you never know what your going to 
get.I think a good beach wood frame would wrap nicely 
around this picture.